Traumatic Grief

Developing Resilience
How do we develop resilience? Learn about the different ways to approach this question and the core skills you need to create your own adaptive resilience practice for yourself.

Things I’ve Learned About Trauma

Are Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) More Likely to Have Trauma?
Research says yes. Read on to discover a summary of the relevant studies on HSPs and how their sensory processing sensitivity may make them more likely to have trauma- and the one key factor that can help.

Can you have trauma without PTSD?
Can you have trauma without PTSD? Get the answer to this commonly asked question here.

Body Based Trauma Responses
Fight, flight, freeze, and fawn are the 4 core responses to stress and trauma. Learn more about each of these and how therapy can help.

Trauma and Healing
Learn about the neurobiology of trauma, current theories of how and why some people develop PTSD after experiencing trauma, and hope for the ways therapy can accelerate your natural healing process.

Perfectionism, People Pleasing, and Overachieving
Perfectionism, people pleasing, and overachieving can all be traced back through to messages you internalized as a child. Learn more about the relational disconnects that lead to each of these patterns and how you can heal as an adult.

2 Negative Messages At the Roots of Trauma
Two Negative Messages at the Roots of Trauma